Artist Statement

In painting contemporary, expressionist abstracts using acrylic paint and ink in an intuitive style, I don’t paint in a specific direction. I let the paint guide me.  I free write and make marks before I add paint.  But sometimes I will see something in the marks that send me in another direction  and I catch a flow and the paints end up where they need to be.  When I paint, it is the expression of me.  Sometimes after I think I’ve finished adding paint, I  see something more in the painting that sends me even in another direction.  I try to stay loose and not force anything.  I paint for me but also with the hope of sharing the experience of freedom with others.   It’s empowering.  It’s healing.  And I want to empower and help others heal.  So, if someone else gets it, as I get it and feels emotions from my work, I am ecstatic and very satisfied.  My goal is to help others feel the same way.

Highlighted Works

Purple and Pleased


Triumphant in Green and Orange